Ethiopia's culture is rich in tradition and religion. The Constitution of the Ethiopian World Federation calls upon its members to embrace and spread the ancient Ethiopian culture. This is just a small indication of how important culture has always been to the African people. Because of the connection between Rastafarians and Ethiopia, and the fact that a large number of the present membership is Rastafarian, we will include information about the cultural and religious aspects of Rastafari as well as other aspects of black and Ethiopian culture in our cultural pages.
Learning about Emperor Haile Selassie and his contribution will also dispel some of the myths and misinformation about one of mankind's greatest orators and a world leader who is regarded by Rastafarians and others as a divine entity. His direct ancestry from King Solomon, King David and therefore back to Adam and Eve are recorded. Also included in Kultural Korner are excerpts from the Book "Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I"
From an historical standpoint, it is notable that through her location on the shores of the Red Sea and in the horn of East Africa, Ethiopia has profound historical ties with the rest of the Middle East as well as with Africa.
In this respect she stands in a commpletely unique position. Her culture and social structure were founded in the mingling of her original culture and civilization with the Hamitic and Semitic migrations into Africa from the Arabic. Indeed, at one time Ethiapia extended to both sides of the Red Sea as well as north to Upper Egypt. It was, therefore, not without reason that, during the Middle Ages, Ethiopia's Emperor was known as "he who maintains order between the Christians and the Moslems." A profound comprehension of and sympathy with the other states of the Middle East naturally inspires Ethiopian national policies.
- Articles & Pictures
- Excerpts from His Majesty's Selected Speeches
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